Sunday, 30 March 2008

Baby kit: Bows

Special thanks to The Ephemeral Victorian blog.

And thank you all of your kind words you have left to comments.
Deep down I know that my kids won't forget me, but it still hurts to be away from them two weeks. Selma is developing so fast that during the 2 weeks she has grown a much.
Meeri and Alina are already exited about my trip. We have checked the cities Delhi, Agra and Bangalore via Internet, so they know where I'm going. And they also know that I'm bringing some stuff for them when I return :o)
I will post my photos from my trip to here when I return. I don't have time for blogging during the trip, we will be working long days, so that we can keep the project time schedule. But I sure will get inspirations for creation work from the colorful atmosphere of India.

This week I found new amazing, fabulous blog:

They are offering stuff for freebie designers. Unfortunately they are now closing their blog because of the wrong usage of their graphics. That is so sad, why some people are so mean that they don't respect others hard work. They are destroying all good things from others.

I played with their stuff and managed to create bows for my Baby kit.

BR JohannaL


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ccynden said...

These baby kit bows are so cute and just in time for a new great-granddaughter who will be born in about 3 to 4 weeks from now. Thank you very much.